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Pay attention to checking the maintenance knowledge of 20 summer vehicles in storage battery
publisher:admin Add time:2017/8/17 Browse times:1874

As temperatures rise daily, the car related heat illness ensues. The car uses the so-called "three points repair, seven points support", how to drive safely in the summer, depending on how to maintain it at ordinary times. The maintenance of the car is in fact the same as the people, the time to do at ordinary times, maintenance is small, may save you a lot of repair costs!
1. read the owner's manual carefully and use the car according to the specific conditions of the vehicle.
Although the owner's manual looks too large and boring, it definitely helps to use the car. It's necessary to take the time to read the owner's manual carefully and to be familiar with the recommendation and assistance of the manufacturer. In fact, the owner's maintenance manual is very important, it allows you to learn a lot of automotive knowledge, especially for the novice more practical. Many owners will be handled because of small trouble to 4S shop, in fact, some small problems in the owner's manual can find the answer. In fact, there are a lot of things is very useful, all kinds of symbols in the vehicle what use, instrumentation and control mechanism, child safety precautions, the new 1500 km running and running after driving notes, in the "owner's Manual" can be found on the maintenance. In the purchase of a new car after, be sure to read the "owner's Manual" maintenance seriously, especially for the novice, if you are not familiar with the vehicle, the owner will not only lead to run 4S shop, spend more time and money, but also cause damage to the vehicle itself. Under normal circumstances, the maintenance of vehicles are in accordance with the "Owners Maintenance Manual" on the standard implementation.
2. pay attention to check the battery, it is recommended to replace it every four years.
If the battery has been used for more than four years, pay special attention to checking whether it can work properly and replace it. Maybe it will strike in extreme weather. The capacity and discharge capacity of a car's battery will decline after more than 2 years. General storage battery life will not exceed 4 years. Of course, a well maintained battery lives longer. In most parts of China, a lead-acid battery that is in good condition does not produce ice. Owners of friends should pay more attention to the vehicle battery, regular inspection battery status, to avoid excessive battery discharge. If the storage battery has been used for a long time, it is difficult to replace the battery as soon as it is found that the vehicle has difficulty in starting and the brightness of the headlamp is not enough.
3., be prepared to avoid getting into trouble without oil, money, and anchoring.
To prevent getting lost or stranded, always make your cell phone full of electricity and bring a jumper or portable power pack. But don't use the phone while you're driving. Mobile phone spare change, unobstructed, car license complete, the amount of oil surplus, avoid driving, encountered no oil, gas, anchor and other embarrassing situation.
4. regular inspection of antifreeze liquid level, antifreeze is valid for 4 years.
Get into the habit of checking antifreeze levels every week. If the liquid level is always lowered and no external leakage is found, the engine should have an internal leak and must be repaired to prevent significant engine failure. The period of validity of antifreeze is generally 4 years, so there is continuity in use. In order to reduce waste, antifreeze should not be changed freely after filling. However, regular inspection shall be carried out for the use of antifreeze. Every year can be combined with the seasonal maintenance check on the antifreeze. Check the contents should include freezing point inspection, proportion of inspection, but also respond to the use of antifreeze visual inspection, found that the proportion of increase, antifreeze thickening, freezing up, as well as antifreeze feculence, metamorphism, taste, foaming and so should be replaced.
5. save fuel and avoid unnecessary emergency braking and acceleration.
Frequent emergency brake is a major cause of high fuel consumption, we must first learn to avoid the formation of restlessness, inertia driving. In the vehicle sliding distance is familiar with the situation, in the red light road ahead should be less energetically to oil, avoid at the traffic lights intersection brake. The engine runs at a lower temperature than the temperature increases, so it doesn't start immediately, but it should slow down for a few minutes to heat the engine and then accelerate it. If you drive in a fuel-efficient way, you can travel at least 0.85 kilometers per 1 litres of oil.
6. change the engine oil to synthetic oil according to the actual conditions of the engine.
If you are using traditional lubricants, instead of synthetic lubricants, you can improve the efficiency of the car, more effectively keep the engine clean, and prevent harmful sludge accumulation and carbon deposition. Although synthetic oils are more expensive than semi synthetic oils, they are more resistant to abrasion and provide longer oil change cycles. With the popularization of turbocharged technology, the engine oil requirements have also improved. According to the actual situation of the car engine, choose the right engine oil, not only to maximize the protection of the engine, but also to reduce damage to the engine. All synthetic oils have excellent liquidity, and are excellent for both cold winter and summer heat resistance, and for long periods of oil change, providing maximum protection for the engine.
7. let the engine run idle for a few seconds.
Let the engine run for a few seconds before the cold weather, to ensure proper lubrication and lubrication of the engine oil. Why hot? Because the parked car after a long time, engine oil back into the oil pan, the engine when the upper part of the lack of lubrication oil in the car after a while, the oil pump operation, and then transported to the oil lubrication needs to live

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