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University of Cambridge designed a new type of battery, storage capacity of lithium battery 5 times
publisher:admin Add time:2017/8/17 Browse times:1761

According to foreign media reports, University of Cambridge scientists in a recent issue of "advanced functional materials" magazine in a paper describes the design of lithium sulfur batteries. The battery, which is inspired by the human intestinal mucosa, holds 5 times as much energy as conventional lithium-ion batteries. In conventional lithium batteries, charged lithium ions move between the anode, electrolyte, and cathode. The crystal structure of the electrode usually determines how much energy storage capacity the battery has. The carbon electrodes used in lithium-ion batteries only carry 6 lithium ions, which limits the energy storage capacity.
The reaction between lithium and sulfur is different. Theoretically, the energy storage capacity of sulfur is much higher than that of lithium ion. However, as the battery discharges, the lithium reacts with sulfur, which forms polysulfide and enters the electrolyte, resulting in loss of active material in the battery.
A new design by researchers at the University of Cambridge has grown a Zinc Oxide nanowire on the surface of the carbon electrode. The final structure, similar to human intestinal villi, can capture polysulfide. This will ensure the electrochemical properties of the material and achieve repeated utilization.
However, this battery has its own limitations, such as the number of charging can not reach the level of lithium batteries. Lithium sulfur batteries, however, have a higher energy density, and each charge takes longer.
At present, this design is still in the concept verification stage. If commercial, it will bring a new generation of high-capacity batteries.
"We all connect to our own electronic devices," says Dr. Paul Coxon Coxon, a professor and professor of materials science and metallurgy at the University of Cambridge, Paul. In the end, we try to make these devices work better and make our lives better."

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