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The reason why the battery has a short service life
publisher:admin Add time:2017/8/17 Browse times:1928
Increase the plate number.
The original design of the cell 5 tablets 6 to 6 tablets 7 tablets, 7 tablets 8, 8 or even 9 tablets preparation. The battery capacity is increased by reducing the thickness of the plate and dividing the plate and increasing the number of plates.
Increasing the specific gravity of sulphuric acid.
The proportion of the original sulfuric acid battery float is generally between 1.21~1.28, while the proportion of sulfuric acid electric bicycle battery generally in the 1.36 to 1.38 or so, this can provide a larger current, improve the battery initial capacity.
Increase the amount and proportion of lead oxide, the active material of positive plate.
Increasing the lead oxide increases the electrochemical reaction involved in the discharge, and also increases the discharge time and increases the battery capacity.
Through these measures, the initial capacity of the battery meets the capacity requirements of the electric bicycle, especially the improvement of the large current discharge characteristics of the battery. However, as the plate is increased, the capacity of the sulfuric acid is reduced, the battery heating causes a great deal of water loss, and the probability of short circuit and lead bypass is increased. Increasing the specific gravity of sulfuric acid increases the initial capacity of the battery, but the sulfidation is more serious. One of the most basic principle is sealed battery positive plate of oxygen, oxygen directly to the negative electrode plate, negative plate is absorbed and reduced to water, the technical indicators of the assessment parameters of the battery is called "sealed reaction efficiency", this phenomenon is called "oxygen cycle". In this way, the water loss of the battery is very small, and the "maintenance free" is achieved, that is, no water. Therefore, the capacity of the negative plate is required to be larger than that of the positive plate, which is also called the negative pole transition. The increase of positive plate active material will inevitably reduce the negative pole transition, the oxygen cycle becomes worse, the water loss increases, and it will lead to sulfide. Although these measures increase the initial capacity of the battery, they can cause dehydration and sulfuration, while dehydration and sulfuration can contribute to each other, resulting in a sacrifice of battery life

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